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Table of Contents

100 Series - Styles
200 Series - Orders
300 Series - Cuts, Receipts, Contractors, WIP, Costs
400 Series - Salesman
500 Series - Customer Status
600 Series - Fabric
700 Series - Name and Address
800 Series - Invoicing / Credit Memos/ Gross Profits
900 Series - Bleeders/ Cleanup


100 Series - Styles

100          Style Master Report (by Season)
101          Style Master and Bill of Materials Report (by Season)
1019        Exception Report/Style/Clrs w/o XRef
102          Style / Fabric Report
103          Edit Style Master (Unit Price and Color)
104          Edit Style Master (Prepack Ratio, Valid Size, Color)
105          Extended Style Master (Style/Color sort)
106          Extended Style Master
107          Style Price Tags
110          Style Master Report by Entry Date
111          Style Master Report (Detailed)
113          Blank Stock XRef Report
117          Style Inventory
126          Fabric Cross Reference Report
152          Style Master Description Report
161          Style XRef by Fabric Clr Rpt 
180          Finished Goods Inventory and Value
1991        MPC1991 Ranking Report
1999        Ranking Report


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200 Series - Orders 

204          Order Listing by Style/Color
206          Sales Report by Style
2609        Bookings By Customer By Season
212          Factor Slip Report (210 Creator wmkly) 
212A        Factor Report
225          Order Confirmations
226          All Houses Weekly Orders Recap
227          Weekly Order Listing
228          Order Register
229          Salesman by Style Report (Salesman/Style Performance)
260          Customer Bookings Report (2 Year Comparison)
260OP     Open Order Summary for 12  Months (executive report)
261          Customer Bookings by Season (2 Year Comparison)
264          Customer Sales Report (Salesman, Log, Order, Dates & Dollars)
265          Style Booking Analysis (Style Units & Dollars, 1 Year)
268          Sales Analysis Report (2 Year Bookings/Shipments)
269          Bookings Report
270          Unshipped Bookings by Month by Division
280          Order Dollars over Credit Limit
291.5       Salespersons Bookings Report By Order Type
291.9       Salespersons Analysis Report
292.3       Stores that have not placed orders for this season

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300 Series - Cuts, Receipts, Contractors, WIP, Costs

300          Cut and Sold
302          Cut and Sold with Dollars

305          Position Report (Style/Color)
307          Style Position Report
309          Open Plan and Purchase Week to Cut
311          Styles Inventory Report (Production Requirements)
311C        Styles Inventory Report (without Casepack)
319          Production Control Report (Import WIP)
321          Import Register
322          Received Cuts by Contractor
323          Open Work in Process Delivery Report
324          Cutting Log Report
325          Contractor WIP Position (A,B,C,D Status)
326          Cut Receipts by Size Register
327          Open WIP Delivery Report (A,B,C,S Status)
328          Cut Receipts Register
330          Garment Group Order Analysis (4 Week Trend)
335          Merchandising Summary Report (Style,Unit,Dollar Sales)
337          Order Delivery Report By Completion Date
338          Project Gross Margin
351          Cut Tickets
355          Work In Process
358          W I P by Contractor and Completion
368          Cutting Register
380          Accountants Work In Process Inventory (Estimated WIP Value)
381          W I P with Dollars
382          Projected Purchases Report 
385          Actual Costing Report with Projections

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400 Series - Salesman

400          Salesperson Order Backlog Report (executive report)
407          Bookings by Style & Salesman
408          Salesman Dollar Report (Book, Cancel, Ship, Return)
415          Sales Report by Region Salesman
417          Salesman List Report
427          Daily Order Listing Recap by Salesman (Dollars)
430          Sales Evaluation (by Salesman, 2 Season Comparison)
450          Sales Analysis by Customer Report
490          Roll Down of Sales Dollar Figures (Year End)

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500 Series - Customer Status

500          Customer Status (Order Details)
501          Assigned Contracts (Import)
502          Customer Status (Credit Hold)
503          Order Listing by Date
504          Arrival Summary Report (WIP)
506          Sales Statistical Report (Customer Ranking)
507          Key Account Status (Bill To/Ship To Order/Style)
508          Re-Order by Style (by Sequence Number)
509          Customer Status (Orders in Units and Dollars)
511          Shipped Orders Report by Department (For JC Penny)
512          Factor Open Order Report (pending Allocation)
514          Booked Styles By Garment Group
517          Order Credit Status
518          Order Register 
520          Allocation Report (Division/Style/Color Position)
522          Allocation Report (Style/Color/Ship Week)
522N        Over Sold Report (Negative Position)
523          Allocation Report 
524          Allocation (Allocated Styles)
528          Allocation Report
529          Allocation  At A Glance (Style/Color)
530          Order Frequency Report $$$ (Orders, not Units)
531          Style and Order Status (JCPenney, Sears, Wards)
534          Order List Report 
535          Supplier Report (JCPenney, Sears, Wards)
535A        Supplier Order Report 'A'
535S        Weekly Delivery Report by Style-JCP
535ST      JCPenney Supplier Report
536          Customer Orders and Purchases
538          Open To Sell Timescale Report
539          Open To Sell (includes Negatives)
541          Open To Sell One Line
542          Available to Sell (Style)
544          Open To Sel (on screen or printed out)
546          Open To Sell at a Glance
547          Buy & Sell Report
549          Shippable Inventory by Style / Ship Week
552          Allocation by Color (Ship Week range)
555B        Booking and Shipments by Completion Date
557          advertising markdown & return report
558          Open to Sell Garment Group
561          Coordinate Group Dye Log Report (Open Orders)
565X        Fabric Preview Report (Fabric, Customer, Style)
569          Open to Sell  Report 
5729         Product Type Analysis
575          Blank Stock Position/Needs Report
PARM575 Blank Stock Position/Needs Report
576          Blank Stock Position/Needs Report with Sizes
580          Extension Letters
584          Forecast Bookings/Shipping
585          Order Booking Analysis by Season Report
587          Style Status/Open To Sell/Available to Sell
588          Shippability by Division, Season and Style
589          Shippability by Division, Season and Style (selected periods)

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600 Series - Fabric

600          Fabric Status Report (Sold, Cut, Purchased)
600M       Fabric Master Report
601          Fabric Status (Purchased, Cut, Sold w/% Variance)
603          Fabric Projection and Open to Buy Report (A1100 Styles Forecast)  
604          Fabric Position Report (Accum and Open Orders)  
609          Fabric Projection and Open to Buy (A6110 Projection)  
610          Fabric Position 610, 610A (Orders, Inventory, Cuts)  
611          Fabric Projection and Open to Buy (Season, Division)  
612          Postion Timescale Report (Styles by Fabric)  
614          Style Position Timescale (6 Weeks)  
615          Style Position Summary (A, B & C Cuts, Orders & Balances)  
619          Purchase vs Sold Timescale (Import)  
620          Purchase vs Sold by Fabrication (Garment Group)   
621          Purchases vs Sales by Fabrication (Garment Group/Style)  
621X        Purch vs Sales/Available to Sell 
622          Fabric Status   
625          Fabric Receipt Register  
637          Fabric Inventory Report (includes Transfers)  
639          Piecegoods Inventory (Overview Fabric Report)  
650          Fabric Requirements by Coordinate Group  
653          Fabric Inventory Report
654          Fabric Receipt Timescale (Weekly or Monthly)  
655          Open Fabric Purchase Orders   
656          Fabric Delivery Timescale  
659          Open Purchase Order Report  
666          Fabric Status Summary Report   
680          Accountants Material Inventory (Worksheet)  

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700 Series - Name and Address

701          N/A List  
700          Customer Number Listing  
707          Name and Address Listing  
722          Corp New Customer Name and Address (Opening Date)  
750          Old Accounts Listing (Inactive by Date Range)  
761          Rolodex (Large Cards, from A7600)  
763          Mailing Labels or Rolodex Labels   
765          Corporate Name and Address (from A7600)  
766          Tiny Labels (1/2 x 3-1/2)  
769          Certain State For Certain Time Period  

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800 Series - Invoicing / Credit Memos/ Gross Profit

808          Shipping Labels  
816          Picking Ticket Register
835          Shipped History Report  
841          History Invoice Register  
849A        Monthly Invoice Register by State  
COMM                  Commission Statements/Pre-Print Commissions/Re-Runs            (851)  
COMM852             Commission Statements/Pre-Print Commissions/Re-Runs (run ONCE)  
COM854                Commission Statement by Style  
855          Returns Analysis by Reason (Styles)   
857C        Return Analysis  
860          Sales Analysis by State  
864          Gross Profit by Customer  
865          Customer Sales Analysis and Gross Profit  
866          Gross Profit by Style  
868          Projected Gross Profit (Open Orders)  
869          Sales Analysis - Customer  
878          Gross Profit by PO  
879          Gross Profit/Projected Gross Profit  
883          Invoice Register By State Selection  
884          Off  Price Analysis By Style  
888          Slsm Orders  

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900 Series - Bleeders/ Cleanup

930          Work In Process Bleeder  
948          AMSAUX Bleeder  
949          AMS2 Bleeder  
960          Fabric PO and PO-Hist Bleeder  
989          Credit/Debit Memo Bleeder  
999          Open to Sell and Order Trend  
RL40                       Name and Address Listing  
RL48                       Rolodex Labels (from A7100)  
RL59                       Mailing Labels (from A7100)  
UTLFM51                Return Analysis History File Bleeder  
UTLM15RP              Styles/WIP Data Sets Report  

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