Special points of interest:

· Video Featurette

· New Crystal Report

· Booking Analysis

· Report Designer

· Dashboards

· Lists

· Views



In this issue:


Important Note!

Click here to view a video demonstrating the latest features of AMSNET. The video will require that the pc has sound for hearing the audio narration.

Please advise RBS when to publish the new version. It will require database updates that require no users to be accessing AMSNET.

.NET Framework 3.5, Crystal 2008

AMSNET has been updated to use the new .NET Framework 3.5 and Crystal Reports 2008 runtime. These runtimes must be installed on each users desktop that will be using this version.

Booking Analysis Grid

New columns have been added.

Customers View

New columns have been added to the customers view. Added A7100.NET to button on Customer View—Allows users to view entire customer information.

Report Designer—the beta version of our report designer has been added to the Management Group. RBS and users can design and share reports.

Customer, Product, Fabric Lists— the ellipses button in a program for a list of customers, products or fabrics, will use a new faster grid and automatically filters the records when you type in the filter row.

Dashboards—each group when clicked on now displays a dashboard

Product, Material Views— added inventory to Product and Material View ,new layout.

New Packing View— added Packing View to Shipping Group







Booking Analysis

Fixed open and save layouts—toolbar buttons were reversed

Cost Sheet

Trims and Materials will be sorted by Base Literal.

UPC view export to Inovis File

Fixed bug that was not putting the correct selection code in the Inovis file.


Add New indicates Account Field in Yellow with {new}




Reliant Business Systems

Friday, September 07, 2007

Version Issue 1



