Special points of interest:

· Update SQL Scripts

· Report Emailing

· Import PO

· Products View

· A8530

· Color Themes



In this issue:


Updated All SQL Stored Procedures

Added coding for 17% increase in performance.


New Emailing capability on all documents

The message form now allows you to click on the TO: field and show emails from contact in Outlook or A6910-Business Contacts. You can select multiple contacts in the TO: field.

Revised Import Purchase Order

Option 2227  to print only  Contract No from I3080 and Arrive date will not appear on status B contracts. Option 2228 will not print style selling price on Status A contracts. Parameters to show or not show space for actual quantities, pattern specs, images. The first style/clr Sketch will show once colors follow. The sketch is larger at 2.75” and the colors are images are 1.5”

Updated Products View

Added Group and Category literals.

Requires new GetStyleClr SQL Script , GetTableLit SQL Function.

Added A8530-Invoice Update—Allows users to modify Salesperson and invoice date. Management Group Programs.

Material View—opens A6150.NET when Material ID column ellipses button clicked.

Requires A6150.NET SQL Scripts

WIP Required View— Style Column will allow users to view Style Information (open to sell etc)

Added Quantities ordered by size and new context menu to allow for new contract and allocate via A5600.






Fixed Script to group by Corporate Customer Name Correctly.

Cost Sheet

Increased Image Size.

UPC view export to Inovis File

Fixed bug that was not putting the correct selection code in the Inovis file.


Add New indicates Account Field in Yellow with {new}




Reliant Business Systems

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Version Issue 1



